VP of Sales Prevention
Someone in your company is preventing or obstructing sales. Who is it? I want to know! You want to know! The VP of Sales Prevention exists in your company.
Is it a finance person? Is it an operations person? Is it a person in human resources? Is it your boss? Is it the CEO? Is it YOU? You must find them. When you do find them, either fix them or fire them.
I'm serious. These people keep salespeople from earning a living. They also stagnate topline revenue that feeds your company’s growth. Today, we have no room for people like this. Either educate them, or run as far away from them as possible.
You may ask, "what does this VP of Sales Prevention look and act like?" Usually, they do not respect salespeople. They say “NO” to everything. They say “NO” to growth, “NO” to taking a chance, “NO” to thinking outside the box. This person tries to control everything that they can. Some of these people do not want success because they may have to work harder. Often, if it’s not their idea or the trail they thought of blazing, they can crush a great opportunity for the company. GET RID OF YOUR VP OF SALES PREVENTION NOW!
If you figure out it's YOU....well, you need to remedy the situation. Maybe sales isn’t for you. Maybe you’re not taking the correct approach. Maybe you need to seek out the successful salespeople in your company or outside your company for advice. Something has to change from within, because it’s not working, and you are in your own way. This is fixable, but you need to be open-minded and flexible in your approach to selling. If you think it’s YOU, please email me at George@GeorgeConsultingGroup.com ASAP. I will help you at no cost whatsoever.
If it’s not you, others are in the same boat as you. Identify your VP of Sales Prevention, and do something about it today.